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Turkey Blurkey

As the turkey eating season begins, I am reminded of a song my friends wrote almost 20 years ago. It was my first experience teaching environmental education and music was a big part of it. I'm thankful for all the creative educators I've worked with that have shared songs like this one with me. Enjoy!

Turkey, Turkey Blurkey

by Steve Hodson & Talia Epstein

I know a turkey,

His name was Tom,

He just gobbles all day long,

He's Turkey, Turkey Blurkey.

Tom's not picky,

He eats plants and meat,

He's sharp claws on his feet,

He's Turkey, Turkey Blurkey.

When the sun comes up,

Tom finds his friends,

Agnes, Agatha, Jermain, and Jacques,

That's what we call,

The turkey flock.

Out in the field in the true turkey style,

Tom let's out a call,

It's heard for a mile,

He's Turkey, Turkey Blurkey

Tom flies fast, but he don't fly far,

He just might pass you in your car,

He's Turkey, Turkey Blurkey.

When the sun goes down,

Tom goes to bed,

Sleeping in a tree with his turkey friends,

He's Turkey, Turkey Blurkey

Gobble, gobble, gobblety gobble.

Everybody Gobble! Gobble. . .

He's Turkey, Turkey Blurkey

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Sullivan County Conservation District

 95 County Farm Rd. Unity, NH 03743

 603-542-9511 x269

We often give away free cider at the Claremont Chili Fest the first weekend in October at the Visitor's Green. Come see us there!

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