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Climate Resilience Grant

The mission of the NH Conservation Districts Climate Resilience Grant is to support and empower local farmers to build climate resilience throughout the Granite State.


This will be done through reducing the impact of agriculture on climate change (mitigation) through greenhouse gas emissions reduction and carbon sequestration, and to increasing the resiliency of New Hampshire Farms in a changing climate  (adaptation), while meeting farm’s conservation goals and needs. Extreme weather events, frequent and prolonged droughts, and increased pest pressures are increasing challenges for NH farms.

This grant though the NH County Conservation Districts seeks to support farmers in meeting those challenges.

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Since 2022, the NH Conservation Districts Climate Resilience Grant has distributed $708,661 to over 80 farms across New Hampshire!

Read more about all 2024 NH Recipients
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Interesting in Applying?

Applications are open in December each year! View the RFP for 2025 Here: 2025 Request for Proposals (RFP)


Information Sessions

View a past recording of the Information Session from 2022 here:

from 2023 here:


Ready to Apply

If you have reviewed the RFP and confirmed that you meet all of the eligibility requirements please complete an application: 2025 Application, 2025 Partnership Form.


Applications are due February 1st each year.


Ready to Submit your Report

If you were awarded a Climate Resilience Grant and are ready to submit your final report, please use the forms below. Make sure to pay attention to the additional items needed to complete your report. 

Final Report Template, In Kind Contribution Form


Grant Round Reports are due December 31st of the grant year. 


For further information or to discuss project proposals, please contact Lionel Chute,; 603.542.4891

The 10 New Hampshire Conservation Districts are thrilled to announce the fourth grant round of the NH Conservation Districts Climate Resilience Grant.

The NH County Conservation Districts launched this farm viability program in 2022 to improve the resilience of NH farms in the face of extreme weather events and a changing climate. Direct grants to farms to invest in on-farm infrastructure, equipment, and innovative practices will support farm profitability and the long-term viability for NH’s agricultural sector.


This grant program was designed with a high level of farmer input to ensure the most pressing needs of farms will be met. The NH Conservation Districts have also worked in close partnership with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other conservation partners to ensure that this statewide program fills the gaps that are not being adequately met by federal funds.

Winter Street Farm: community composting

Funds are available for projects that mitigate the impact of agriculture on climate change and enhance the on-farm adaptations to projected climate conditions. Preference will be given to projects that can demonstrate strong potential in mitigation and adaptation.

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Hilltop Farm: Solar Tracker

2024 Sullivan County Recipients & Their Projects


Winter Street Farm, a reduced tillage four season vegetable production CSA, located in Claremont, NH, will purchase equipment and create signage for their community composting program to increase capacity. They will be maintaining a free composting option with a self-serve dumping area and piloting an off-farm compost pick up program. This sustainable waste management program will hopefully be an example to others. Winter Street Farm participates in the NOFA NH CSA share program and are Vital Communities Climate Farmers. Learn more about Winter Street Farm â€‹here.


Bascom Farm, located in Charlestown, NH, will be improving strategies for pest management through the use of exclusion netting. They are also working to stabilize early “field” crop planting by purchasing and implementing caterpillar and low tunnels. These should keep air and soil temperatures steady and help reduce soil erosion. The unstable weather conditions experienced resulted in crop losses in previous years. These adaptations should help the farm become more resilient in the future. Bascom Farm produces certified organic vegetables and herbs as well as grass-fed Katahdin Lamb. They participate in Granite Match, NOFA NH CSA Share program, and are part of Vital Communities Climate Farmer program. Learn more about the farm here.


Dancing Bear Farm, a small demonstration farm in Claremont that combines livestock, education, and hospitality, are implementing a rotational grazing system based on Silvopasture practices. They will be purchasing supplies to build to “Turkshaws” to easily move turkeys to fresh pasture. They will also purchase solar charged electric net fencing to keep the turkeys in one area. They plan to offer the turkeys for sale in the fall and offer a workshop in processing poultry. Learn more about them here


Claremont Spice & Dry Goods Shop, located in Claremont, grows vegetables and herbs and grazed goats. They are purchasing solar powered electric fencing, signage, and a monitoring system to expand rotational grazing and contract grazing operations with their goats. They will also be transitioning their agricultural fields from annual tillage to a no-till rotation and incorporating integrated pest management using low tunnels and a drip irrigation system. The Claremont Spice & Dry Goods Shop specializes in fresh spices. They also carry locally roasted coffees and loose-leaf teas, smoked meats, 100% grass-fed beef, honey, maple syrup and more. Learn more here.


Harding Hill Farm, located in Sunapee, produces maple syrup and grass feed beef. They also sell firewood and provide tree care services. They are planning and implementing barnyard renovations that will reduce nutrient runoff and erosion of heavy use areas by diverting water runoff. This includes the addition of a concrete feeding pad and re-establishment of perennial forage plants. Harding Hill Farm is also working with NRCS on this project through an EQIP cost share program. Learn more about the farm here.

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Goats eating invasive plants
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Dancing Bear Farm Silvopasture planting

2023 Sullivan County Recipients & Their Projects


Winter Street Farm, a reduced tillage four season vegetable production CSA, located in Claremont, NH, purchased a mechanized soil screener and propane generator to increase their community composting program: reducing waste, fertilizer inputs, increasing soil health, and promoting carbon capture. Learn more about Winter Street Farm â€‹here.


Beaver Pond Farm, located in Newport, NH, will be installing a drilled well to replace a vulnerable dug well that is used for livestock production and irrigation. Increasing drought periods over the last decade have made it difficult to support their rotational grazing program. Beaver Pond Farm produces maple, beef, hay, and vegetables as well as a pick your own raspberries, blueberries, and apples. Learn more about Beaver Pond Farm here. 


Dancing Bear Farm, a small demonstration farm in Claremont that combines livestock, education, and hospitality, are implementing a rotational grazing system based on Silvopasture practices. The grazing areas will be delineated by alleys of trees and shrubs, providing benefits to the animals, soil, viability and resiliency in a changing climate. They are also putting in a water catchment system. Learn more here


Hilltop Farm, located in Claremont, worked with Solaflect Energy to mitigate climate change by transitioning to renewable energy on their farm. The farm installed a solar tracking system that is furnishing up to 80% of Hilltop Farm's electricity. This should reduce the farm’s carbon footprint by 135 tons per year and supply solar energy to the grid. Hilltop Farm maintains a herd of 100% grass fed, pasture raised beef cattle following organic best practices. They also raise chickens for egg production. 

2022 Sullivan County Recipients & Their Projects


Bascom Road Blueberry Farm, located in Newport, NH, a pick your own blueberry

operation and vegetable farm purchased a plastic mulch layer to keep water in

the ground and prevent weeds from growing up through it, reducing herbicide use.

Learn more about Bascom Road Blueberry Farm, here!


Winter Street Farm, a reduced tillage four season vegetable production CSA, located in Claremont, NH, purchases and installed necessary infrastructure to increase their community composting program: reducing waste, fertilizer inputs, increasing soil health, and promoting carbon capture. Learn more about Winter Street Farm, here!

Make a Donation


This grant program is made possible through the generous contributions of private donors. If you would like to make a donation to support future funding of the program, please do so here!

Donations to the fund may also be made by mail, checks can be made payable to "CCCD" and addressed to 11 Industrial Park Dr., Walpole, NH 03608. Please include “Climate” in the memo line. Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated and make a difference! 

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© 2023 by Nature Org. Proudly created with

Sullivan County Conservation District

 95 County Farm Rd. Unity, NH 03743

 603-542-9511 x269

We often give away free cider at the Claremont Chili Fest the first weekend in October at the Visitor's Green. Come see us there!

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