News 1

Sullivan County Conservation District
Our mission is to work with landowners & organizations to conserve natural resources, support local agriculture, and promote place-based education in Sullivan County, NH. Established in 1946, the Conservation District operates out of Unity, NH and connects residents of Sullivan County to resources, experts, and funding opportunities relating to our mission.
Sullivan County Conservation District (SCCD) offers a variety of environmental resources and opportunities to help support Sullivan County schools, teachers, farmers, growers, and organizations & individuals related to conservation of natural resources and agricultural lands and place-based ecology education (PBEE).
Our goal is to connect residents to our local lands and help each one develop an understanding of the natural ecosystems we are a part of, an appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us and the natural resources that sustain us, and foster a sense of place and stewardship ethic.
Meet our Staff
Lionel Chute
District Manager
Lionel spent his summers in Sullivan County as a child and lived in the town of Washington for 10 years as an adult. He currently lives in Putney, VT.
Lionel has worked as a forester for the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, and as the Administrator of the NH Natural Heritage Bureau at the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development. He graduated from UNH with an A.A.S in Forest Technology from the Thompson School, and a B.S.F in Forest Science from the Department of Natural Resources. He has also operated a family farm with his wife Aileen, where they grew and sold blueberries, vegetables, poultry and maple syrup.
Lionel's specialties include forestry, botany, plant community ecology, farming and landscaping. When not working, Lionel enjoys being with his family, reading, theater, and thinking about sustainability.
Lionel Chute
District Manager
Education and Outreach Specialist
Coming Soon
Education and Outreach Specialist
Meet our Board
You could be our next supervisor !
They are dedicated to conserving the natural resources of Sullivan County as well as the agricultural lifestyle. Made up of farmers, businessmen, and concerned citizens, the SCCD board of supervisors meet with the Sullivan County District Conservationist and the SCCD Staff once a month to discuss projects and programs. This is a volunteer position. If you are interested in becoming a supervisor or associate supervisor, please contact us.

Left to right, Rep. Brian Sullivan, David Grobe, Jon Meadows (NRCS), John Luther, Cornelia Sargent, Dick Hocker, and Bob Porter. Not pictured: Donna Bascom, Robert Traver
David L. Grobe, Chair
Plainfield, NH
Robert Porter
Claremont NH
John Luther, Treasurer
Acworth NH
Cornelia Sargent
Claremont NH
Donna Bascom
Charlestown, NH
Brian Sullivan
State-County Delegate
Grantham NH
Richard Hocker
Associate Supervisor
Grantham, NH
Robert Traver
Associate Supervisor
Acworth, Nh
Attend a Meeting
When: first Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm, with some exceptions.
Where: Mountain View Room, Sullivan House, 19 Sullivan St. Claremont.
Public are welcome to attend. Please let us know if you plan to join us.